Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hello compadres, sorry for the delay, a family wedding one move and a stifling heat wave have uterly tied my creative philopian in one solid knot. I guess the summer has got the better of us all.
My approach with this thing was to really challenge myself and consistently craft some fiction and poetry worthy of, well, something. Like all of my undertakings,(meditation,stomach crunch's,sobriety), I started weak and tapered to nothing at all. So rather than intimidate myself clear off the page I decieded to simply right what ever I can on my given day, so forgive me if I bore If i defy good sense if I murder the page or occasionaly whine eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........... Im just trying to keep my head in. At the end of this what excites me most is'nt simply creation its the fact of communication so rather than attempt to impress or avoid this thing I'd like us to share something, anything.
I know most of this group pretty well and consider it an intimate forum with some of my all time favorite people and to those I dont know, you get points by association,for being within this world system,upon this planet,Invited to this very group, what are those odds? so mabey we


  1. Yes! We can not let this die. We've let too many of our collaborations and dreams die in the past. Let this be our final resting place for everything we've ever wanted to say or do and build something amazing.
