Sunday, August 2, 2009

try as i might

The Small craft glided effortless within a small inlet impressed upon the face of the rock, perpendicular to this lay a sheer wall and try as he might Sirus could not see its end before the swoon of vertigo and rapid entrance into the small clear eyelet within its face would overtake his efforts. Still peering out the small oracular window Sirus could see people standing and walking at the oddest angles minus any discernable floors or walls and beyond this lay space humming its cold awe full refrain. Abruptly the craft pivoted sharply to the right descended a small clear tunnel and let out upon a stainless tarmac which for its solidity Sirus thanked all that was holy.

Now within the retaining room sirus was systematically scanned by various colored lights, a loud ding signified his clearance as he was shuffled quickly along to the next chamber whereupon he was prodded poked and scrubbed by a series of small mechsicans, (small droids bearing no relation to the earth people), The humor not lost on him. Grinning madly Sirus approached the phisting chamber, (named for Ronald e phister scientist responsible for density adjustment technologies), once inside Sirus became one one hundredth of his natural weight, now hysterical He was shot quickly through a length of vertical corridor some 1400 yards clear into what would be his living complex, exiting the chamber Sirus reclaimed his original weight as a large shirtless man-titted clown greeted him across the face with a large slippery fish.

Sorry this one got away from me….

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