The comics are all moved into the living room, books are assembled into piles, clothes stacked on my chair. Not bad for just a few hours. I got a good nights sleep, and feel pretty motivated, eager to start my new life.
The next two days, I will organize more, empty out that room, have all the boxes stacked by the door ready to be carried out. I'll go and meet my friends Doug & Stacey for breakfast tomorrow, then come back and do some work, then meet Jeff to pay him for the sublet.
Tonight I will re-write the article on the tourist lanes, work on the Write Club! logo, do up another Write Club Funnies, and when I get home watch Futurama and write up a review to post tomorrow night. I'll prep reviews for Unknown Soldier and Greendale, and get back to Improv Fiction.
Also, I need to finish the Tower of Brahma chapter 63 post, but it will need some time to sit down and wrap up the second half of my entire life. Maybe I should post it as is. I am also going to plan a party, my first Facebook invite, for July 9th to celebrate the completion of my book and the start of my new life.
Start a new blog for Suburban Loser. Ready posts to go up atuomatically every Monday starting July 5th. Start Liquid Fury blog. Ready a page a day starting July 9th. Start posts for the blog. Get back to TenTon. Start talking to Reilly about promoting Power Play. Design a logo.
Begin work on Mustang Frankenstein. Finish Pryzmalite Massacre. Outline Deadbeat, Union Squared, Time & Space, and Working Title. Research something once a week. Fiction book once a week. Grab a stack of comics and scan them in and try and sell them.
Figure out what days off would be best. Talk to Christian about when I can come up and visit. Find out Boston's deal, Brothers Price's deal with Wburg, and look into Wendy's house in Bronx. Get a new tattoo.
Get guitar from dad, learn it, rock out, start a band.
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